Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too

Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too



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The Censored Episode: Rethinking Autism Root Cause and Recovery

In this episode (which, by the way, was censored while still in private production mode on YouTube), is a heavy hitting episode that covers conversations that we are apparently not allowed to have in public!

You will meet Jimmy Scaringi, a foundational health practitioner in upstate NY, who is owner for several health facilities, hyperbaric chamber clinics and works with many children on the V** injured spectrum.

Our discussion may seem controversial, but is one that needs to be heard and had. We cover some root cause issues behind autism and even share some amazing success stories.

We talk about environmental toxicity, parasites, lyme, mold and even the highly censored topic of v@x injury. If you are ready to confront some hard topics from a different perspective, this episode is for you! Please find us on rumble to see the video recording.


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Reconciling Science, Holistic Health and Faith in God

Welcome to our latest episode! You may have noticed a change in our intro this year. I'm thrilled to share more of my heart behind this podcast, which goes beyond simply educating you about body care. My goal is to inspire you! Driven by a deep passion for truth, science, and a genuine desire to care for people, I create this content with you in mind.

Before we dive into this episode, I want to make something clear. As the title suggests, I am specifically addressing Christians who hold a historical Christian view, recognize the authority of the Bible, and desire to love and please their Savior. My aim is to help believers navigate the world of holistic health from a biblical perspective. While everyone is welcome to listen, my heart is to serve the body of Christ through this episode.

Join me as we explore holistic health from a faith-based perspective, uncovering insights that will not only educate but also inspire you to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Big shout out to:

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Rethinking Breast Implants: Can Breast Implants Affect Your Brain Health?

In this episode, you can join me and Danielle Valoras, PA-C, for a relevant conversation about Breast Implant Illness. We will talk about how we both, starting as Physician Assistants (Associates), found our path in the Integrative Health world. You will learn about some of the important facts surrounding the way breast implants (both saline and silicone) can affect your body on a cellular level, and most certainly your brain.

Resources mentioned on this podcast:
ACR study:
Connecting with Danielle:
IG: @navwell

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Rethinking: Self Care and Healing

Has the idea of self care been something completely ambiguous to you? Do you think self care is a day at the spa sipping champagne with your friends? What does REAL self care look like? Self care is the foundation of well-being and recovery from chronic illness, but it seems like something that is hard to put our finger on and define.

In this new podcast, I am bringing back my friend and colleague, Meg Richichi. She is a women's health and hormone specialist and she and I are going to tackle the topic of self care, or as Meg likes to call it, self-priority. We discussed the need for women, in particular, to prioritize ourselves, not selfishly, but in order to be able to have the resources to do what we do-- care for our families, serve in our communities and kick butt in our professions!

This podcast may give you a different perspective of self care and some valuable insights as to how and why we do it!

About our Guest, Meg Richichi:
Meg is an Integrative Women’s Health Practitioner with nearly 30 years of clinical expertise. She practiced in New York City for nearly two decades and currently resides in Atlanta, GA while providing Telehealth services to women around the country.

Meg uses an "East meets West" approach to help countless women overcome many hormonal imbalances, including infertility, PCOS, PMS, weight issues, digestive disorders, anxiety, and depression. Meg began her career in health and wellness as an acupuncturist with training in Traditional Chinese medicine.

Meg hosts her own podcast, The Hormone Lifestyle zone.

To connect with Meg:

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Rethinking Ozempic/Monjaro for Weight Loss

Weight loss is such an important topic, particularly when it comes to preserving brain health. Dementia has been coined “Type 3 Diabetes” due to the affect that chronic elevated glucose levels can have on the brain. Obesity is a top cause of Type 2 Diabetes and glucose intolerance, so, of course, we want to focus on weight loss in an effort to preserve the health of our brain.

In walks the hero, Ozempic and Weygovy! They help us to drop pounds rapidly, they stabilize our glucose spikes. They seem like miracle drugs. But, are they? Are they safe? Are these drugs going to help long-term? Are these miracle drugs going to do what they promised or are they just a temporary band aid, or worse, a scam?

In this podcast episode, we discuss the ins and outs of these drugs. I will give you a perspective that may be bit unique-blending what we see in anesthesia with how I see these drugs from a holistic perspective.

We will discuss other options to help with weight loss that are natural and safe. This episode has a little something for everyone who is curious about the Ozempic craze.

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Products also available on Fullscript (Accepted by HSA)

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ReThinking Traumatic vs Acquired BrainInjury

The link between minor concussions, chronic infections, chemical exposures and EARLY DEMENTIA

Guest: Michael Pendleton DC-APC, CCSP, DACNB, FABBIR

Concussions are a well known cause of early dementia and brain injury that leads to a host other behavior problems.

Chronic concussions in athletes has been well studied and was highlighted by the movie Concussion, showing how the concussion does not need to be categorized as severe in order to lead to lasting cognitive decline. A series of minor concussions can cause similar changes in the brain that lead to accelerated dementia, often preceded by significant emotional and mental changes life of an individual. This has a huge impact on the person, their family and their life.

In today’s podcast, I am joined by a colleague who is highly published in the area of traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury and other functional neurological conditions. Dr. Michael Pendelton is a Functional Chiropractic Neurologist who has a clinic in Albuquerque, NM, where he serves clients with a whole host of neurological conditions. Concussions are important to identify early and to treat aggressively in order to preserve neurons, or brain tissue and the longevity of your brain function. The complicating issue in today’s modern world is the increased exposure to toxins and infections that the we all experience.

While concussions are categorized as TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, exposure to toxins, persistent chronic low-grade infections are categorized as sources of ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY. Both conditions have been well researched in the literature and show a link to dementia.
Join us to get a deep dive into this topic and learn how to protect your brain!

Topics covered in this podcast:
* Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)- also known as chronic concussions
* Functional Chiropractic Neurology- (Brain Boot Camp) TreatmentSymptoms of different grades of concussions and associated risk of dementia
* LymeParasites
* Mold exposure
* EMF influence on the brain and nervous system

Key take away:
TIME IS BRAIN. The sooner you act to functionally address a concussion OR acquired brain injury, the more brain function you preserve. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.

Some of the Top Supplements I Recommend for the Brain:

BDNF Essentials®:

Brain Support:

Brain B-Balance:

My preferred supplement for significant inflammation in the brain:

SMP Active:

For preserving nerve communication and limiting scarring of the brain:

Asura Brain:

For customized support and consultation, please schedule an appointment

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