Breast Implant Illness
Breast Implant Illness is a syndrome of symptoms commonly experienced in women who have had breast augmentation. It is a diagnosis that is made after other autoimmune conditions and all other diagnoses have been explored. It is estimated that 20-25% of women with breast augmentation will develop BII.
Some facts about breast implants and the risk of Breast Implant Illness:
Gel bleed, the release of free silicone, as well as other chemicals, into the body from breast implants can occur in saline and silicone implants.
Safety testing of implants in normal human body temperature was only done for 90 days to study gel bleed, which was seen in that short window of time.
Silent ruptures of implants occur routinely and it is estimated (conservatively), that breast implants rupture at a rate of 11% at 4 years post-implant. Some studies of women who explanted, identified a rate of implant failure of 26% at 4 years, 47% at 10 years, 69% at 18 years.[2]
Free silicone has been linked to autoimmunity, cancers, chemical sensitivity, immune vulnerability.
Saline implants have been linked to issues with chronic low grade mold/mycotoxins infection.
Cancers related to breast implants directly include BIA-ALCL, squamous cell cancers and other types of lymphomas [1]
According to the current FDA guidelines, breast implants should be monitored with a breast MRI for leakage at six (6) years after implantation and then every two (2) years afterwards.

Some facts about breast implants and the risk of Breast Implant Illness:
BII symptoms are the result of chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation and endocrine disruption. These findings are common among women struggling with breast implant illness:
Recovery from Breast Implant Illness

A personalized approach to healing is necessary when addressing symptoms of breast implant illness. It is important to emphasize that women should not feel shame or embarrassment about their decision to have surgery for breast augmentation. The goal of our practice is to guide you toward the best possible level of health achievable with or without breast implants.
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