Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too

Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too


Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Schedule an Appointment?

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sande, please click the link below to view current availability. Please note that we book out 8 weeks in advance and try to make additional scheduling dates available when and where possible. 


If you are having issues scheduling on our online platform, please call 720-730-5997 and speak to our client coordinator.  


Once your appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email granting you access to our online client portal. Please be sure that you: 

1.) Register as a patient (you will receive an email confirmation once this is completed) 

2.) Complete all necessary paperwork assigned prior to your appointment, this includes signing the Lifecare Agreement that is emailed to you separately. 


Finally, please note that your appointment will need to be rescheduled if the paperwork is not received 24 hours before your appointment.

What Happens after My Initial Consultation?

Once it’s been determined whether you’ll be moving forward with us in your care, you will be emailed the link to order the appropriate labs to help us customize your care. Our client coordinator will call and assist you in this process.  

Please note, due to the personalized nature of our care plans and the holistic approach we take, we take tremendous care to work together with each individual to determine if we are the right fit for one another prior to proceeding with future visits. 


Also note, this is not a substitute for a personal visit to your physician. You must be under the care of a physician(s) in your area to do a consultation.  Consultations are intended to balance the care you are receiving from your medical practitioner.

What Happens after My Lab Finding Review Appointment?

After your review of findings, we will make the appropriate educational resources available to you on our virtual client portal and schedule your next few appointments. Our client coordinator will reach out to you on a regular basis to assist with any questions that arise throughout your healing journey and you will have regularly scheduled appointment times with your practitioner.

How do I access my client portal?

Before your initial consultation, you will receive an email granting you access to our client portal. The link to access this is:

Please be sure that you

1.) Register as a patient (you will receive and email confirmation),

2.) Complete all necessary paperwork assigned prior to your appointment. 

What Can I Expect from the Free Discovery Call?

During the discovery call, we seek to connect you with Dr. Sande, but when this is not possible, you will be speaking to one of our client coordinators to review your case and answer your questions. Following this interview, if it is determined you will be moving forward with us, you’ll have a clear direction in regards to your next steps. No medical advice will be given during the Discovery call and it is not a substitute for a personal visit to your physician.

How do I schedule a Free Discovery Call?

Please click on the link below to schedule a discovery call with our practice. 

We request that you have the short intake form completed prior to your appointment. 

Schedule Free Discovery Call

Do You Accept Insurance?

We do not accept insurance, but you may use HSA to pay for our services. Furthermore, Dr. Sande is a licensed GEHA (Guardian Ecclesiastical Holistic Association) Practitioner and as such, you may deduct her services on your tax return. Please consult with your accountant and refer to IRS publication 502 to learn more.


Do You Have a list of LLMDs or other Lyme Disease Specialists Around the Country that You Recommend?

As Lyme disease is a relatively controversially recognized disease , there is still much that needs to be done as far as reaching a consensus on its diagnosis and treatment. There are other doctors in this country who are interested in Lyme, and other related conditions, but they may approach it in a different manner than we do.  With that in mind, we do not feel comfortable at this time providing a complete list of doctors who are treating all of the above conditions.

Blood Work and Lab Logistics?

Your blood work material will be mailed to you and directions for locating lab draw locations will be emailed to you and made available in your client portal. Specific instructions will be given to you according to the labs ordered and these will be emailed to you and additionally available in your portal.

We would like you to speak at an Event. How can we arrange this?

Please fill out the following form if you would like Dr. Sande to speak at an event. Our office will contact you directly once the form is reviewed to discuss the specifics of the event. 


Need a short form here.. Maybe just jotform: The following information needs to be collected:






How did you hear about us?

What are the details of the event?  Short answer


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