Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too

Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too

Gut Health Restoration

The digestive health of an individual is closely tied to their cognitive and brain health.

Here the Top Four Quick Facts about the Gut-Brain connection:

The bacterial population in your gut, the gut microbiota is unique to each individual. This contributes, in part, to why some people can tolerate a toxic exposure better than others. This microbiota consists of tens of trillions of microorganisms. These bacteria are acquired from our parents, through delivery through the birth canal and are affected by factors such as antibiotic use and c-section delivery. 


The gut-brain connection GOES BOTH WAYS: Feelings experienced by the brain such as anxiety and fear can result in digestive distress. However, research has also validated that specific bacteria in the gut can contribute to more or less emotional distress.


The microbiota of the gut can affect behavior, emotions, attention, learning and concentration. For example, one specific colony of bacteria, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, stimulates GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for calm and relaxation.


Extensive research has shown that altering bacteria in the digestive system through targeted dietary changes may help treat stress-related and neurodevelopmental disorders, including hyperactivity and autism.


If you are struggling with low grade chronic brain inflammation, you must ensure that your gut is balanced, healthy and robust. 

When preparing for increased stress exposures, such as surgery or anesthesia, your recovery is enhanced and your brain is protected if you support a healthy gut before and afterwards. 

If you are struggling with BII, Breast Implant Illness, a healthy gut will help balance the inflammation, restore immune function and support your healing

Gut Health Restoration

If you are struggling with low grade chronic brain inflammation, you must ensure that your gut is balanced, healthy and robust. 

When preparing for increased stress exposures, such as surgery or anesthesia, your recovery is enhanced and your brain is protected if you support a healthy gut before and afterwards. 

If you are struggling with BII, Breast Implant Illness, a healthy gut will help balance the inflammation, restore immune function and support your healing

1 Remove

Removing gut-stressors— bacterial overgrowth, including yeast in the GI tract by utilizing antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, or antiparasitic protocols and an elimination diet.

2 Replace

Digestive support— supplementing with specific digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and/or bile acids that are necessary for optimal digestion and absorption of food nutrients.

3 Reinoculate

Help restore the integrity of the GI tract by providing support to heal and seal the gut lining— specific dietary guidelines and supplementation that may include zinc-carnosine, omega 3’s, antioxidants, and l-glutamine.

4 Repair

Help restore the integrity of the GI tract by providing support to heal and seal the gut lining— specific dietary guidelines and supplementation that may include zinc-carnosine, omega 3’s, antioxidants, and l-glutamine.

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