Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too

Book Available NOW: Kids Get Lyme Disease Too


Essential Oils and Binders- A Powerful Combination

Chronic illness is an increasing problem globally, as well as in the US, due to many factors including increasing environmental toxicity, nutritionally deficient foods, increasing emotional stress and worsening epigenetics (or gene expression) in our population. The way these factors work together to create the perfect environment for chronic disease is complex.  For example, we […]

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What are the Basics of Clean Living?

by Sande Bargeron At Clean Living Basics, we have a dedicated focus on healthy, aggressive, and properly-ordered detoxification as the basis of good health and for healing diseases, particularly in our most vulnerable populations: our children. But clean living is not just about intentionally building detoxification into our lifestyle. It’s about learning to reasonably limit

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Chiropractic Therapy and It’s Role In Detoxification

Detox is a Natural Bodily Function  “Doc, what does chiropractic have to do with detox?” I get this question all the time. And to understand how they work together, we need to understand that detoxification is a normal innate process of the body. Your body detoxifies on a regular basis through activation of a branch

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What is a Real Detoxification Lifestyle? Hint: It’s a Journey

Sande Bargeron 9/9/21 My experience with detoxification has probably looked similar to yours and most people. I was  playing around with my Jack Lalane juicer about 15 years ago, hoping that cucumber juice  would help me with weight loss, because I conflated detox with weight loss. Meanwhile, I was  choosing my laundry detergent based on

What is a Real Detoxification Lifestyle? Hint: It’s a Journey Read More »


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